4137 Shelbyville HighwayMurfreesboro, TN 37127
Midweek Service: Wednesday 7:00 PM
Worship Service: Sunday 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
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Text To Give

Text your amount to 84321 and complete the steps for first time text gifts.

Check Gifts

To give by check, mail your gift made payable to Impact Church to:

Impact Church Attn: Giving

P.O. 1356

Murfreesboro, TN 37133-1356

Please be sure to put the fund you desire your gift to go to on the memo line of your check or to include a note.

Giving Matches

If you would like to offer to match funds for a current project or something else within the vision of Impact Church, please email Heidi Barros at finance@impactchurchlife.org or call us at 615-867-0033.

We believe that generous individuals can help accelerate the vision.

Stock Contributions

If you would like to give stock gifts to Impact Church by electronic transfer, please provide your broker with the following information:

(Impact Church maintains an account with TD Ameritrade in their legal name.)

TD Ameritrade:

Account Name

Word and Spirit Church of Murfreesboro, Inc.

Account Number


DTC Number


EIN for Word and Spirit Church of Murfreesboro, Inc.: 62-1739875

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1356 Murfreesboro, TN 37133-1356

If your broker needs additional information from us, they may contact Heidi Barros at finance@impactchurchlife.org or call 615-867-0033.

To ensure we give you proper credit for your donation, please let us know:

  • The number of shares

  • The name(s) of the stock(s) you are transferring

  • Where you would like your gift applied

This information can be emailed to finance@impactchurchlife.org or you can contact Heidi Barros at 615-867-0033.

You will receive a letter following the receipt of your contribution acknowledging your gift.